Greenburn School

Welcome to our website.

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Greenburn School Website
Here you will find everything you want to learn, about our wonderful school.
Photographs are a wonderful way to capture the essence of any school and we are no different.  Our school motto is ‘One Step at a Time’ and through these photos, updates and information you will see what and enriched learning  experience it is to be part of the Greenburn Family.  We love to celebrate all our successes no matter how small. 
Our Vision ‘Be All You Can Be’ permeates everything we do, no matter how long it takes us to get there.
We hope you enjoy learning all about our school.
Best Regards
Maria Neil



Children In Need

Hi everyone
A reminder if you can spare any change for Children In Need tomorrow. 
We wil be putting the coins on Pudsey Bear.  Check out Google Class/Facebook for photos. 
Thank you! 



On Wednesday, our last day, we are having our annual Teddy Bear's Picnic at 11am, hopefully in the Mugga!

This year I have asked our good friend Rona from the library to tell the Teddy Bear Story.  Once it finishes we will have our picnic.  A school picnic lunch is available as always however, if you would prefer your child to come with a teddy bears 'special picnic' please send it  in.  Staff also!
Would you also send in your child's favourite teddy with them (labelled) as we have a 'cutest teddy' competition that Rona will judge (Staff also!)

The parents of the leavers are welcome to come to see the P7 pupils leave our Greenburn family for the last time.  They will be piped out of the school on the red carpet!  Please come along for around 12.40pm, it will be a lovely farewell.

Best Regards
Maria Neil


P7 Leavers Millport Trip

Just leaving a very wet Largs now - pick up at the John Wrights Sports Centre at approx 7:20pm


BBQ Tonight 6-8pm

?BBQ 6-8pm tonight ?

To our whole school community
A  big big plea for everyone to come to our BBQ tonight.  We are having it inside as the weather is so changeable.  If it is dry children may go outside.   The disco dome and face painting will be in the foyer and food/tombola etc will be in the dining hall.  For families facing hardship, the BBQ is a donation/ honesty box.   This is a family night which happens to raise funds.  Not a fundraiser.  No one will make any judgement or take any notice  if very little goes into the 'honesty box', so please do not let cost put you off coming along.  
There will be raffles , tombolas, brick a brack and 'guess the number of balloons in Mrs Neils car' etc
The parents have done an absolutely  incredible job of organising this with little help from school.  Please come along and support this wonderful event


Message from Mrs Neil

Hello eveyone, can I just let you know that there seems to be another D&V outbreak within the school at the moment.   This is not officially from public health yet, but the numbers are very high.  If they increase over the next few days I will have to contact public health.  I know it is very frustrating for you to be called to collect your child but you have my assurances that the staff really do know your children well.  They know from their  full presentation, whether they are tired, not eating, not drinking etc, if they are displaying as they normally would.  Also when they are home, there are no demands place on them in the same way as they are at school.
Thanks you so much for your understanding in this
Many thanks 
Best Regards
Maria Neil


Important message from Mrs Neil

Dear Parents and Carers,
Currently in both Greenburn School and Maxwellton School there is a stomach bug outbreak.  Can I ask everyone to be particularly vigilant for diarrhoea or vomitting and if this occurs please keep your child at home.  The outbreak is amoung both staff and pupils.  As you are aware we do not like to send children home unless we absolutely have to, however, during this time we will be adhering very closely to the policy of 48hrs after the last bout.  We would love all our staff and children to have a very happy and healthy holiday therefore I am asking very kindly for your cooperation in this matter.


St Andrews Day

Tomorrow (Thursday) we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Children can wear tartan if they wish. ??????????????


Inset day

This is a reminder that Monday is an inset day. The school is closed to all pupils. 
We will see all the children back at school on Tuesday morning. 
Have a good long weekend. 


After school club

Today's after school club has been cancelled. All children will be going home on the bus. 


Parents Night Rooms 5-8

Dear Parents and Carers
Just to say that  our Parents Night for the Upstairs Classes,
Rooms 5-8 are taking place on Tuesday 7th November 2023  This is a change to the date you received at the beginning of term. 
Many thanks
